Healing and Guiding since 1997
Om Family
Om Family


Sergey Volsini

It is not my last words.Butnow i wishe you luck.And i think that OM FAMILY has opportunity to go further ,go ahead.OM FAMILY has everything for that knowledge,powers.love. Email: volsini@yahoo.com Have Done: Holistic therapy

Sergey Volsini
Russian Federation

Bela Harraty

Reiki coyrse told me what i needed to know,but i felt that there could have been greater discussion on the philosoplies of reiki.There werent many hours of teaching and i think i could have benefited from more dialoge. However the staff were lovely and dance meditation has got to be the most fun path to inner peace.Sagar has some serious moves!! Have Done: Reiki level 1

Bela Harraty

Isabelle Bugnoux

Thanks for the nice and smiling energy.Thanks also to the life to has given me the opportunity the come here to learn how to give the universal energy wish all the family jove and beauty.

Isabelle Bugnoux

Jocelyn Hansen

Thank you!! REOm...It was lovely to meet you and benefit from your good energy!! I feel good and glad to be reminded to celebrate my creative side. Enjoy yourself and keep smiling.....

Jocelyn Hansen